Generative AI Tutorial (with 6 Amazing Tips)

Generative AI Tutorial

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This generative AI tutorial will explain you how to use generative AI most effectively. After reading this, in fact, you will be able to get the most out of ChatGPT and similar tools, like Google Bard. With this, you will probably be more effective than having a human personal assistant.

Let’s see immediately how you can be more productive with Chat GPT in this generative AI tutorial. Unlike other guides that give you non-actionable generic advice, such as “be specific”, here I will focus on things you can actually do right now to be more productive with AI.

Generative AI Tutorial (Chat GPT)

In this entire generative AI tutorial I am using Chat GPT, as it is the most popular tool most people are familiar with as of May 2023. There are many more, and those tips will work with any other tool.

Provide an Incipit

Generative AI models are trained on words, and the more data they have, the better results they produce. Therefore, if you ask something to chat GPT it will produce some sort of result. Yet, if you provide your AI with an example, it will produce richer results. For example, if you are asking your AI to write you a blog post, you can write either the first paragraph, or the summary of the post.

Look at those differences, in the first example we don’t provide much context or incipit, in the second one we start the work.

The first step in this generative AI tutorial is to ask simple questions to your AI. However, there are much better ways to phrase a queston than this
The traditional and simple way to phrase questions to an AI.

Here’s the much better version.

Generative AI Tutorial tip: provide an incipit or summary with your request to the AI
If you start to write the response you want and ask the AI to complete it you will have much better results.

Now, let’s take your generative AI tutorial one step further. I know that sometimes it is hard to come up with the first piece of text in a book, essay, or even a post. What you can do is ask Chat GPT to generate that, then edit it yourself, remove the parts that you don’t like, and then give it back to your AI asking it to make it more “something”, such as professional, friendly, warm, scientific, and so on.

Use it for Input, not for Output

An important point of this generative AI tutorial is that generative AI models aren’t still ready to produce the output you deliver to your customers. In other words, you should not ask Chat GPT to write a blog post for you, but rather help you out with laying down the structure, finding out the content, and maybe drafting it, but you should be the one to polish it as a human.

Think of tools like Chat GPT as your personal assistant. A successful executive will have her assistant book flights, take notes in meetings, but never make business decisions on her behalf. Treat Chat GPT in the same way.

This is also a more efficient use of your time. If you keep poking Chat GPT on specific parts of the answer, eventually it will get it completely right. That will take much more time than if you just edited the text yourself. Don’t get caught in the fascinating (but unproductive idea) where you ask Chat GPT to do things you could do quicker and better, just because you want to do one copy-paste at the end instead of editing.

Simplify the News

Have you ever read a piece of news that was too complicated to understand for you? You can ask Chat GPT to make it easier to understand, and this is probably one of the best uses of this generative AI tutorial.

You can use generative AI to make something that you read simpler to understand
Copy-paste a piece of text and ask the AI to simplify it for you.

You can also ask this in various forms, such as removing the jargon, making it easier to understand to people outside the industry, rewriting that with an analogy, add an example of what’s written – everything you need to better understand a concept.

Summarize the News

Along the lines of the previous generative AI tutorial, we can also summarize the news. Sometimes you have a large body of text and you are unsure if it is worth your time reading. You can ask a summary of Chat GPT. If what you read is famous, such as a book, chances are you can just ask for a summary of that book.

Here, the advice is to tailor the summary the way you want it. For example, you can ask for the key topic in a bullet-point list, tell how many words you want to read, or both.

Another important tip in this Generative AI Tutorial is to ask it to summarize something for you
AI tools can provide summaries of either something they know already, such as a book, or some text that you provide to them.

Connect the Dots

Sometimes you have a bunch of ideas and you are unsure how they play together, or if they do at all. You can ask your generative AI model to find connections, correlations, or just make sense of those items. If it can’t find some correlation, it will simply tell you the are unrelated.

The final tip in our generative AI tutorial is to use AI to brainstorm for you
You can use your AI for brainstorming.

This is a great approach to use for brainstorming. You can just jot down some ideas and see what comes out of them. Another variant is to ask related ideas from a list of words or phrases. I often use this to find tangent topics I may be interested in writing about for my blog, by providing a list of topics I am already confident about.

Go Step-by-Step

Another key takeaway from this generative AI tutorial is to go gradually. Don’t ask your AI to write the next New York Times best seller. Instead, start gradually. For example, start by asking for a book idea, tell it what you like and what you don’t, a then ask to expand that into a list of topics to cover. Tweak that, and then ask to draft a paragraph for each topic, and so on.

Approach everything as a pyramid, decomposing it layer by layer, each layer going a little more in depth.

Generative AI Tutorial Summary

If you made it here, you are probably a champion of Chat GPT and Bard, or maybe some other tool of your preference. Here’s a list of tips we covered in this tutorial that you should consider.

  1. Provide an incipit, summary, or sample
  2. Use it as a secretary and not to produce the final deliverable
  3. Ask it to simplify a piece of text, making it easier to understand
  4. Ask it to write a summary of a long piece of information
  5. Use it to spot patterns and correlations between apparently unrelated items
  6. Use a pyramid approach, start high-level and then go deeper

If you are interested in generative AI, my suggestion is to dive deeper into an article that speaks about the models and technologies that power things like Chat GPT.

Picture of Alessandro Maggio

Alessandro Maggio

Project manager, critical-thinker, passionate about networking & coding. I believe that time is the most precious resource we have, and that technology can help us not to waste it. I founded with the same principle: I share what I learn so that you get value from it faster than I did.
Picture of Alessandro Maggio

Alessandro Maggio

Project manager, critical-thinker, passionate about networking & coding. I believe that time is the most precious resource we have, and that technology can help us not to waste it. I founded with the same principle: I share what I learn so that you get value from it faster than I did.

Alessandro Maggio


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