Data Center Network Design — In Your Inbox

Hey — This is your chance to learn how to design the network for a world-class data center. Whenever I interview Network Development Engineers, I see most people struggling with the design part. How can you design a network that can support tens of thousands of servers, and terabits and terabits of bandwidth? I have a guide to answer all these questions.

Every day you will receive in your inbox a 5-10 minute read. In 33 days, you will know everything you need to design a network that truly scales. Plus, there is a bonus at the end, including getting notified of job offers before I advertise them to the wider public. Drop your email and get the guide.

This is what you'll find in the guide

Network Fabric

The purpose of your data center, the input to consider in the design, and the constraints.

Data Plane

How to connect devices together, provision bandwidth, and scale across multiple locations.

Control Plane

How to propagate routing information, automatically react with faults, and set up summarization.

Management Plane

How to control the network, configure devices, deploy new changes and keep devices security patched.

And the best thing is - it is completely free

Get the guide now

Learn Data Center Network Design in 33 days. Get job offers as Network Development.